Nearest Metro Station to Bangla Sahib Gurudwara

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The nearest metro station to Bangla Sahib is Patel Chowk. It is an underground station on the Yellow Line of the Delhi Metro.

Bangla Sahib Nearest Metro Station

Metro Station Name Line
Patel Chowk Metro StationYellow Line

The second nearest metro station to Bangla Sahib Gurudwara is Rajiv Chowk. Rajiv Chowk is an interchange metro station on the Blue Line and Yellow Line of the Delhi Metro.

Bangla Sahib Gurudwara is one of the most famous Sikh temple located in the heart of Delhi and it is also the largest Gurdwara in Delhi. The best time to visit Bangla Sahib Gurudwara is early morning or evening when prayers are being offered and Langar is served.

Distance From Patel Chowk Metro Station

The distance from Patel Chowk metro station to Bangla Sahib is 1 km. It takes about 5-10 minutes to travel from Patel Chowk metro station to Bangla Sahib by auto. If you cover the distance on foot, it will take 10 minutes only.

Read More: Nearest Metro Station to Crowne Plaza Mayur Vihar

Distance From Rajiv Chowk Metro Station

The distance from Rajiv Chowk metro station to Bangla Sahib is 1.5 km. You can reach the Bangla Sahib Gurudwara in just 15 minutes if you use a cab or auto to reach there.

How To Reach Bangla Sahib Gurudwara by Metro

To reach Bangla Sahib Gurudwara by metro, the nearest metro station is Patel Chowk. You can take the Yellow Line and alight at Patel Chowk metro station.

From any metro station in Delhi, you can take the yellow line metro to reach Rajiv Chowk metro station.

Nearest Metro Station to Bangla Sahib

Metro Station NameDistanceLineLayoutGatesContact No
Patel Chowk Metro Station1 KmYellow LineUnderground28800793134
Rajiv Chowk Metro Station1.5 KmYellow LineUnderground88800793133
Both Stations are nearby Bangla Sahib Gurudwara

Metro Timings

First Metro From Patel Chowk 06:00 AM
Last Metro From Patel Chowk 11:34 PM
First Metro From Rajiv Chowk 05:19 AM
Last Metro From Rajiv Chowk 11:43 PM
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Which metro station is near to Bangla Sahib Gurudwara?

    The Patel Chowk metro station is the nearest metro station to Bangla Sahib Gurudwara in Delhi

  • Which metro line goes to Bangla Sahib?

    Yellow Line Metro is going to Bangla Sahib

  • How can I reach Bangla Sahib by metro

    If you want reach Bangla Sahib by metro, then Patel Chowk is the nearest metro station to Bangla Sahib Gurudwara. You can take a yellow line metro and get off at Patel Chowk metro station.

  • How many gates are there in Rajiv Chowk Metro station?

    8 gates are available on Rajiv Chowk metro Station

  • Is Bangla Sahib open 24 hours?

    Yes, Bangla Sahib open is 24 hours each day of the year, including National holidays.

  • Are shorts allowed in Bangla Sahib?

    No, it is not allowed in Bangla Sahib.

  • Can we stay at night in Bangla Sahib?

    Yes, Accommodation is available in Bangla Sahib Gurudwara.
    Rent for AC room is Rs.1000 per day
    Non-AC room’s rent is Rs.800 per day

  • Can we wear jeans in Gurudwara?

    Yes of course you can.

  • What is the timing of Langar in Bangla Sahib?

    Bangla Sahib Gurudwara langar starts 9 AM in the morning and run till 3 to 4 in the afternoon. It again starts 7 or 8 in the evening and runs 10 to 11 in the night.

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