Nearest Metro Station to Sunder Nursery

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The nearest metro station to Sunder Nursery is JLN Stadium metro station. Sunder Nursery has located 1.4 km from JLN Stadium Metro Station. This metro station was opened on October 3, 2010.

Sunder Nursery Nearest Metro Station

Metro Station Name Line
JLN Stadium Metro StationViolet Line
Sunder Nursery

Distance From JLN Stadium Metro Station to Sunder Nursery

The distance between JLN Stadium metro station to Sunder Nursery is 1.4 km. You can reach this place by taking an auto or cab from the metro station in 10 minutes.

Nearest Metro Station to Sunder Nursery

Metro Station NameDistanceLineGatesContact No
JLN Stadium Metro Station1.4 kmViolet Line28800793219 

How to reach Sunder Nursery by Metro?

If you are planning a visit to the Sunder Nursery by using the metro, then the Sunder Nursery nearest metro is JLN Stadium Metro Station. Take the Violet Line metro and get off at JLN Stadium Metro Station. You can exit from gate no 2 and take an auto or cab to reach Sunder Nursery.

Metro Timings

First Metro 06:12 AM
Last Metro11:25 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the nearest metro station to Sunder Nursery?

The nearest metro to Sunder Nursery is JLN Stadium Metro Station.

Which metro goes to JLN Stadium?

The Violet Line metro goes to JLN Stadium.

Is wine allowed in Sunder Nursery?

No, Wine and Smoking are not allowed in Sunder Nursery.

Can we eat food in Sunder Nursery?

Yes. Food allowed in Sunder Nursery.

What is ticket price of Sunder Nursery?

Sunder Nursery’s entrance fee is Rs. 50 for adults and Rs. 200 for foreigners.

What time Sunder Nursery opens?

Sunder Nursery Park is open seven days a week. Sunder Nursery Park opens from 7 am to 10 pm

What is the best time to visit Sunder Nursery?

In summer one can easily have a visit in the morning, otherwise, in winter, you can enjoy the sun’s rays afternoon in the park.

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